Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Welcome to the new Blog

Hi everyone,

I have no idea why you're reading this but welcome anyway to this very stupid relaunch of my blog! I realized I have to much free time, which I spend on the internet so I decided to restart my old blog which I started a few years ago. Here I will be just rambling. Lots and lots of rambling. So that was your warning, be prepared.

I'll also be talking about my Current Job Search!!!!! Yay!! That is the current ongoing project of this blog. As I talk about random stuff that comes to mind in each post I will also add a little something about my need for a job. Lets hope doing this will keep me on track and hey, if I'm lucky I might even accomplish something.

Anyway, that's that for now. Till whenever I get back to this, DFTBA


  1. Hello Cory, what kind of job are you looking for?

  2. I am looking for an entry level position in the video game industry.
